Submit your report

When you've completed entering information for your safety report you can proceed to submission.

How the Portal handles your report:

When you indicate that you’re ready to submit your report, the Portal system performs several processes:

  1. Validates that all minimally required information is present in your report (enough so that US Government analysts can take action on your report). If required information is missing, the system will provide you with an alert.

  2. Changes your report from Draft status to Submitted status. If you have created a Portal user account and are logged in, you will see that your report has been moved out of your list of draft reports, and into the list of submitted reports. To view the list of your reports, click the My Reports link in the left menu.

  3. Creates a PDF version of your report that you can view, print, or save to your local desktop computer or network.

  4. Assigns a reference identifier (ICSR number) and electronically transmits your report to one or more US Government agencies, as appropriate.

info_red_sm.jpg  Please note:  Once you have submitted your Safety Report, no further changes are permitted. If later you need to change or add information to a report, submit a follow-up report.

Once you create and submit a follow-up report, the originally submitted report is removed from the Submitted Reports Available for Follow-Up list and you will no longer be able to view your originally submitted report. We recommend that when you are submitting a safety report that you always create and save a .pdf of your submitted safety reports.

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